by DDP | Feb 25, 2023 | Consultant Neurologist, Migraine
The Migraine Trust report that around 10 million adults in the UK are affected by migraine. The pain and related symptoms can be overwhelming, and recurrent migraines need effective treatment to help patients improve their day-to-day lives and comfort. Dr Dominic...
by DDP | Nov 30, 2020 | Consultant Neurologist London, Dr Dominic Paviour, General
Dr Dominic Paviour is a top migraine expert in London who welcomes both private and NHS patients to his clinics. He graduated in 1998 after training in London, during which time he won the Medical School Gold Medal. Following junior medical jobs in London and at the...
by DDP | Sep 10, 2019 | Consultant Neurologist, Consultant Neurologist London, Migraine, Neurologist
Migraines are considered one of the most debilitating neurological conditions in the world. If you suffer from them or think you may be suffering from them, then getting a migraine diagnosis in London is essential. Furthermore, help in managing them can make a huge...