The Migraine Trust report that around 10 million adults in the UK are affected by migraine. The pain and related symptoms can be overwhelming, and recurrent migraines need effective treatment to help patients improve their day-to-day lives and comfort. Dr Dominic Paviour is a consultant neurologist who offers the migraine treatment London is looking for. Your GP can send a referral to neurology so your symptoms can be assessed and you can access the right treatment.
Getting a Migraine Diagnosis
Migraines can be hard to diagnose. Identifying migraines often relies on the patient keeping a diary of their experiences. Furthermore, this pattern of symptoms is the most effective tool for diagnosing the condition and then finding the right treatment.
Beyond headache and chronic pain, patients with migraines may also experience numbness and discomfort around bright lights and loud noise. Migraines can last from a few minutes to a few hours and can be debilitating.
If your GP is having trouble identifying whether you are suffering from migraines or helping you control the symptoms, then a specialist neurologist is the next step in seeking help. If you cannot get a referral from your GP, then you can consider private healthcare, and Dr Paviour runs a private neurology clinic so you can access the diagnostic treatment and testing you need.
Getting Migraine Treatment London
There are plenty of different options available for treating migraine. Which option is right for you will depend on many factors. Having an experienced neurologist leading your treatment can help you to find the right migraine treatment. Different medications and therapies are available. You can also trial different dosages and combinations until you benefit from less migraines and related symptoms.
One of the first steps may be to have a look at your lifestyle. There are a number of lifestyle factors that can trigger migraines. A conversation with a neurologist may help you identify if any are an issue for you and if there are any changes you can make to reduce the number of attacks you suffer from.
Make an Appointment with Dr Paviour
Dr Paviour treats patients with various neurological conditions including migraine. Booking an appointment is an opportunity to discuss your symptoms. You may also get a migraine diagnosis if you do not already have one. Patients who have diagnosed migraines can also visit Dr Paviour to discuss possible treatment plans and the best approaches to minimising symptoms and attacks.
Get in touch today to arrange your initial consultation.
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