Researching your Consultant Neurologist can help you make an informed decision before making an appointment. Dr Paviour’s Patient Testimonials speak for themselves and seek to confirm his place as a highly regarded neurologist.
Dr Paviour is rated with 4.86 stars out of 5 on Doctify. This is a platform that focuses on helping you make the right choice when it comes to your health. They have made it easier by providing patients with comprehensive, verified reviews so that you can make an informed decision that’s right for you.
Dr Paviour’s Patient Testimonials
Patients take the time to write reviews once they have interacted with the medical professional. Dr Paviour’s Patient Testimonials and scores are based on almost 30 genuine reviews.
One verified patient took the time to write a review following a private consultation.
‘’Dr Paviour couldn’t have been kinder. He listened so carefully and considerately, thought logically and explained really well. I am delighted I decided to get a private consultation with him and can’t recommend him highly enough. A lovely manner is so important to get the best out of a consultation. Communication is excellent, both from him personally and his delightful practice manager, Kjai. Obviously, also, a very clever man! I’m very grateful.’’
Another patient wrote ‘’Extremely kind, courteous and professional. Dr Paviour takes the time to understand what is wrong and will work with you to resolve those issues that negatively impact your quality of life. A true gentleman who genuinely cares for his patients.’’
One patient who added to Dr Paviour’s Patient Testimonials had been experiencing migraines.
‘’I was in an extremely anxious state when I arrived for my appointment with Dr Paviour. He took pains to listen, not only to my symptoms but also to my fears about the potential underlying cause for these. After discussing my migraine history, current symptoms, and anxiety levels, he reassured me that he thought it unlikely that the cause was sinister. Nevertheless, as I had hoped he would, he recommended an MRI to be on the safe side. Dr Paviour was also able to give me immediate suggestions as to how I might better ‘manage’ my migraines and improve my anxiety levels, all of which was very helpful and comforting.’’
Make an Appointment with Dr Paviour
Dr Paviour gives more information about his experience in his welcome video. He invites you to read the reviews on Doctify so you have confidence in his approach.
You are of course welcome to his clinic so you can discuss any of your symptoms. To make an appointment please email or phone 020 7042 1850 or alternatively send a message via our contact us page.