Dr Paviour is a consultant neurologist Chelsea patients can visit at one of his regular clinics. He provides advice and guidance to patients with a wide range of neurological conditions and symptoms. He also has a close working relationship with a number of high-regarded neurosurgical colleagues in Chelsea and Central London. This ensures patients who need referral can quickly access the best level of care and treatment even when other professionals are involved.
Attending a Neurology Clinic Appointment
Your neurology clinic appointment is a chance to discuss any symptoms or concerns you’ve been having. Common reasons for seeking the advice of a neurologist include symptoms such as unmanageable headaches, transient loss of consciousness, regular bouts of dizziness or memory loss problems. At the clinic appointment Dr Paviour will discuss your main symptoms with you. He will also talk through any previous medical problems and go through your medical history. Patients also share their family medical history to rule out any hereditary or genetic conditions. All patients will have a physical medical examination. This will focus in on the functions of the nervous system. It usually involves testing coordination, muscle strength, vision and eye movements and speech and language function.
Neurological Diagnostic Testing
There are some common neurological diagnostic tests that patients may have. Arrangement of these tests may be at a clinic appointment but they do not usually take place during this appointment. Testing will be quickly arranged at a time which is suitable for all patients and flexible to their needs. Common tests include:
- CAT Scan
- MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
- Electromyography
- Nerve conduction velocity
- Myelogram
- Neurosonography
These are just some of the tests which may be necessary. Of course, not all patients require all tests either. Dr Paviour ensures patients are given all the information they need before agreeing to any testing.
Consultant Neurologist Chelsea Appointments
You can make an appointment with Dr Paviour at one of his Chelsea clinics via his secretaries. They can be contacted via email on: gayle.judd@phf.uk.com or sarah.marson@phf.uk.com or telephone: 020 7042 1850 or 020 7042 1851.